Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Will You Marry Me ... ? (21)

Will You Marry Me ... ? (21)


Ent Awal Ensan a3shgah fe 7yati .. w al7een tab'3i el9dg ma 3dt elawal

3shgt '3airk w enm7t thkryati .. m3 dm3i elly yom hajart 7awal

(7sain eljsmi + asma elmnwr - awl 3shg)


I Woke up quite early , I Washed w 9alait and I wore my 9aba7eya clothes v.v !
6l3t w chft M6ar awake w elhotel breakfast ready 3l table. He looked Chanh he hasnt slept.
Sawaitla 6af w ylst 9ob el breakfast and I ate w he was just staring.
I gave him the dirtiest look ever w shal 3ainah. B3d lh wayh y6ala3nii elmayst7ii.

M6ar : Be Ready At 12 Were going to have lunch at my house.
Ma Rdait 3laih.


I Really felt bad about what I told her yesterday bs I had to. Kl ma aba a7awl atgrb mnha at'thakar elly sawitah !
Kan F 5a6rii we just live normally like 9dg m3arees. I Really Wanted to just giver her the biggest hug ever.

The Way she was giving me those dirty looks were so cute, kl ma ta36eeni w7da a7s bmoot mn el'97k. Its so not Dala3.
What are we suppost to do for the next hour. Apparently we dont talk and im suppost to torture her and I cant help it.


3 pm (Uae)

W9lana Lebanon mn che sa3a. We left to Rashids Villa As we are going to be staying there.
It was big w old designed and really nice like the old english houses.

All The Rooms were in the second floor.
7essa and Reem Shared a room , Hana and Fa6oom Together , Ana w dana which was really strange ;O ! Rashid was alone , 5alifa and 7mdan together.

A sweet old half french half lebanese lady Called Madame Julie in her late fifties, Prepared us lunch ( she was in charge of the house) no one ate although, as we all needed sleep.
I didnt really feel that sleepy as I slept in the airplane. So I decided to investigate this lovely house since everyone was asleep.

It was in an amazing quite cheerful location. At 3 30 it seemed like 10 in the morning. I pour some tea for me and I went out to sit on the benches by the small display pool.

7amdan : Boo !
Nada : Aaah , 5wftnii
7amdan : hehe , laish mb ragdeh ?
Nada : Not feeling sleepy you ?
7amdan : Same

Trrn Trrn ( his phone )
7mdan : ( to me ) dgeega .. aloo .. halla wallah .. twni wa9l ya 7rma .. allah yslmch .. la mb wayd .. afa 3laich tamreen km shawa5 3ndna ... ohh dgeega shwaa5 ( answering the other line ) halla halla ... Sh7al el7lween ... haha allah yslmch

So it seemed that he was talking to his girlfriends and yeah it seemed he was a player. Madrii laish I felt annoyed seeing him talking to them.

7amdan ending his call .. : So , Are you and Rashid together ?
Nada .. spilling the tee from my mouth with a cough : EXCUSE ME !?
7amdan : emm , madrii bs 7sait che , y3ni it looks enkm wayd close w what happened in the airplane made me think of it.
Nada : uh .. laaa2 ( I thought Rashid talked to him ) we are just friends , i thought Rashid told u what happened .. I was just unbuttoning his back buttons since he was struggling with them , thats it.

7amdan looking unconvinced : Ahaa .. Yeah he told me something like that .. bs y3ni its ok if your together u shouldnt hide it from me , bs st'3rbt laish rashood didnt tell me.
Nada : 7amdan ! dont make assumptions mn kaifk , there isnt anything like that between me and Rashid w sorry bs ma asm7lk che tgool.

I stood up and hurried back in the villa. He tried stopping me bs ma gdar.
Laish Che ygool ? shu 3la kaifh ? w b3dain lhaldraja he sees me like one of those girls that he talks to that will be in those type of relationships !

So irritating ! La w yrms eb kl th8a w brood ! w 7ata ma hamh lo ana wya rashid or not.
A555 Ya rabiii why do I like him when he doesnt even care.

Rashid : Nada nshaity
Nada : La I didnt sleep ill sleep now
Rashid : Ohh
7amdan hurrying in : Nad - ( He saw rashid ) uhh Nada
Nada : N3m ?
7amdan : Mashay .. bs u forgot your tea outside
Nada : Mabah .. ill go sleep , ill be up in an hour or so
Rashid : Owkay

Rashid : Blaaak ?
7amdan : Mashay
Rashid : Mn wayhk ybayn feeh shay
7amdan : Rashid bs b'3aitk ef salfh
Rashid : 5air enshalla

They sat in the living room ..

Rashid : Blaak 7amdan 5wftnii ?
7amdan : listen bs b'3ait agoolk ya Rashid enk u remember entah emnu w Nada emnu
Rashid .. Confused : Kaif Y3ni ?
7amdan : Y3ni you cant be in a relationship wyaha ..
Rashid : 7amdan entah shu tgool

7amdan : Entah mn 3yal aham elnas fl dawlah , w hay mahee '3air mjarad morabeya , ana ma agool che mn bab elkbr. Ana agool che l2na lo t6awrat hal 3la8a w 9dg 7abait'ha la totwa8a3 enk fe yom bta5th'ha , galbk bytga6a3 w bteels eb 7asra , 9adgni ya rashood ana agoolha lma9la7tk.
w el3ala8a hay mb L ma9la7tk abdan w a'6n entah adra .

Rashid : 7amdan entah shu yals t5arb6 , ay 3la8a w ay ba6eee5 ?
7amdan : kl shay wa'97 , 7ta lo entah mb chayf hal shay lakn its obvious.

Rashid : N9ee7tk 3la 3aini w rasi ya 5ooy . bs esm3ha mnii , awlan ana ma baynee w bain nada ay shay mn elly yals tgoolah w thaneyan , lo kan fee shay w lo 7abait'ha msta7eel afkr tafkeer enah he mthl elbshkara w mn 3ayla mb ma3rofa w '3aneyah. Etha 9dg 7abait w7da mst7eel ay shay ymn3ni mn enah a5th'ha '3air gdar rabna.

7amdan : Entah fahmni '3ala6 ... Rashood !


6la3t 3anh w 5laitah yals roo7ah fl 9alah. Hatha el ensan ma3rf shu yals y5rb6 w ygool. Its right that i have some feelings for Nada but it doesnt mean I love her or im thinking of some kind of relationship. Plus , I Cant believe he said that about her. Ahh bs lo t3rf Nada baytga6a3 galbha.
Hatha w hee t7bk ya 7amdan che tgool 3nha w che tfakr ?
I have to stop making her like you more because if she did she might end up dying 8ahar !

Ma Tadri enk Fe galbi w mnskb 7olah

w mn kthrk fe 9dri 5ayf la tjeeni 3ain

(Rashid - mn galb )




  1. Ahhh a5eeeraaan I love u I love u xD a7iis ena hamdaney7bha 3shaan cheeh yals eyswee film Hindi 7ag rashid lol yalla I'll read tha other post :D

    waay 7amdaan ziift laaish chthe egool 3anha!

